An Apology
An Apology
Did you do a bad? Are you in dog House? Boy oh boy do I have a seventy-five dollar solution for you. Tell me what you did, and I'll illustrate a heartfelt apology.
It can be as light or as heavy as you need it to be. Have you and your sister not talked in 23 years for a reason you can't even remember at this point? I'll apologize for you, and get you old birds back on track. Did you step on your dog's toe by accident, you monster? I'll illustrate an apology that he won't be able to read or understand. There are about a million shades of gray between "dog ouch" and "estranged sisters," so tell me about yours!
In the notes section of your shopping cart, tell me the exact phrasing of your apology. Or, if you want Jesus (me) to take the wheel, explain the situation and I'll craft the apology line. That'd be fun.
Hand drawn on bristol paper
No returns! Bit of a gamble, yeah.