A Shelf In Your Home
A Shelf In Your Home
When you move from place to place, it can be easy to forget the little design choices you made to make that space feel like a home. This custom art drop is all about remembering those choices! Whether you curated the most gorgeous little objects to live in harmony on a floating shelf made of reclaimed wood, or you have something you call "the sock shelf" where, for whatever reason, socks tend to accumulate. I want to draw it.
Bring a piece of your old home to your new one. Look at the shelf drawing and remember the whole room, the whole dwelling, the years you lived in it. An illustration of a shelf has that power! I'm tellin' ya!!
I'll need a photo of the shelf, so be sure to include your email address when you checkout, so I can reach out to you!
Hand drawn on bristol paper
No returns! Bit of a gamble, yeah.